Los Versos Satanicos

Paperback, 513 pages

Spanish language

Published Feb. 24, 1989 by Planeta Pub Corp.

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4 stars (1 review)

Un avión secuestrado estalla a gran altura sobre el canal de la Mancha. Dos supervivientes caen al mar: Gibrel Farishta, un legendario galán cinematográfico, y Saladin Chamcha, el hombre de las mil voces, autodidacta y anglófilo furibundo. Consiguen llegar a una playa inglesa y notan unos extraños cambios: uno ha adquirido una aureola y el otro ve con horror cómo crece el vello de sus piernas, los pies se le convierten en cascos y las sienes le abultan... LOS VERSOS SATÁNICOS es la novela más célebre, iconoclasta y polémica de Salman Rushdie. Una referencia ineludible de la literatura de nuestro tiempo.

33 editions

Review of 'The Satanic Verses' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

I listened to a fantastic old audio book version of The Satanic Verses. Somebody digitised it from a series of old cassette tapes and put it on the internet (thank you). I am not sure if it is the voice of Salman Rushdie himself, whoever it is, I would like to thank him so much for this brilliant work. 22 hours of listening pleasure during my walks to and from work. 
I always thought that this was a very serious book. But for most parts it is hilarious. It is also long winding, and I must admit that at some parts I dozed off, simply enjoying the very pleasant sound of the narrator’s voice.