La cúpula

Paperback, 1136 pages

Spanish language


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2 stars (1 review)

Un tranquilo día de otoño la ciudad de Chester’s Mill queda inexplicable y repentinamente aislada del resto del mundo por un campo de fuerza invisible. Los aviones se estrellan y caen del cielo consumiéndose entre llamas, la gente corre sin rumbo por el pueblo vecino al verse separada de sus familias y los coches estallan al impactar contra el muro invisible. Nadie consigue comprender cuál es la naturaleza de la barrera, ni su procedencia, ni cómo ha llegado hasta allí, ni si algún día desaparecerá. Dale Barbara, un desilusionado veterano de la guerra del Golfo reconvertido en un mediocre cocinero; Julia Shumway, la directora del periódico local; y un grupo de skateboarders adolescentes lucharán para descubrir el misterio de la cúpula. Sin embargo, en el otro bando se encuentran el gran Jim Rennie, alcalde de Chester’s Mill, un hombre corrupto y sin escrúpulos dispuesto a todo para tomar las riendas …

31 editions

Review of 'Under the Dome' on 'Storygraph'

2 stars

This is Stephen King's idea of what would happen if you stuck the GWB presidency in a small town and the stuck a glass jar over the entire thing. This isn't subtle. It's the entire thing. You've got a knock off version of Dick Cheney (the Second Selectman) running the show, with his amiable but idiot First Selectman being the figurehead. You've got people saying there's a "heck of a job" being done. You've got no holds barred political rants about libruls.

Which is fine, if that's what you're into. But in 2015, everyone would prefer to forget GWB and Cheney ever existed, and the entire thing is cringeworthy at this point -- the payoff comes when people die because Dick Cheney is Evil and Stupid and they are Weak and Easy Led Sheeple. But it turns out that watching people die for being stupid or because they're disposible got …