336 pages
Chinese language
Published 2003 by Miao si chu ban you xian gong si.
Patricia A. McKillip: Feng zhong shu qin shou (Chinese language, 2003, Miao si chu ban you xian gong si)
336 pages
Chinese language
Published 2003 by Miao si chu ban you xian gong si.
Though Morgon the Riddle-Master was reunited with his beloved Raederle, his purpose in life and the reason for the stars on his forehead remained a mystery. All around him, the realm shook with war and disaster as mysterious shape-changers battled against mankind. Without the missing High One, Morgon must assume responsibility for all his world After leading an army of the dead to protect his island of Hed, he and Raederle set out for Lungold, where the wizards were assembling against the evil Ghisteslwchlohm. And behind them came Deth, the crippled harpist, Morgon's friend and betrayer.
But Lungold was only the beginning of the quest that would lead him to the truth of ancient struggle and the fate of the High One, until at last he could solve all mysteries and know his own awesome destiny!
Third in the Quest of the Riddle-Master series.