The Road to Reunion, 1865-1900

Hardcover, 320 pages

Published June 1937 by Little Brown & Company.

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The tragedy of any war cannot be measured in loss of life alone. The deadening weight which defeat brings to the spirit of the conquered people, with the consequent aftermath of national apathy, costs dearly. The Civil War almost broke up our nation. It took a great many years to wipe out the spiritual enmity between the North and the South, much of it caused after the War by stupid political moves and brutal handling of a defeated people.

This book is a modern and interesting approach to the subject of reconciliation — from 1865, when the North and South were split wide apart, to 1900, when they were reunited and again nationally harmonious. It is written from the point of view of a historian who is also a philosopher. It is more than a factual history of the period, for, unlike other books on the subject, it does not …

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