Octavia E. Butler

Author details

奥克塔维娅·E·巴特勒, オクティヴィア・E・バトラー, Октавия Батлер, and 8 others Octavia Butler, Октавија Батлер, اکتاویا باتلر, オクテイヴィア バトラー, אוקטביה א. באטלר, Oktavija Batler, Octavia Estelle Butler, Octavia E. Butler
June 21, 1947
Feb. 23, 2006

External links

Octavia Estelle Butler, née en 1947 à Pasadena en Californie et morte en 2006 à Lake Forest Park dans l'État de Washington, est une écrivaine de science-fiction féministe afro-américaine. Elle est surtout connue pour ses romans Liens de sang, La Parabole du semeur, Le Maître du réseau ainsi que ceux formant la trilogie Xenogenesis. Source : Wikipedia (fr)

An American science fiction writer, one of the best-known among the few African-American women in the field.

Comment by Tricia Sullivan, on The Guardian: Octavia E Butler (1947–2006)

> I was teaching in New York when I came across Octavia E Butler's Kindred in a secondary-school catalogue of novels recommended to support diversity. It caught my attention because Butler was described as a science-fiction writer. I thought I was familiar with science fiction, but I'd never heard of her – nor have a great many other readers, I suspect. For many years, Butler was the sole African-American woman novelist in science fiction. Kindred tells the wrenching and unforgettable story of a young black woman who time-travels and saves the life of her slaveholder ancestor, but it is, in Butler's words, "a grim fantasy", not science fiction.

> Beginning in the 1970s, …

Books by Octavia E. Butler