The Last Family in England

Paperback, 352 pages

English language

Published June 5, 2005 by Vintage Books.

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4 stars (1 review)

Meet the Hunter family: Adam, Kate, and their children Hal and Charlotte. And Prince, their black Labrador.

Prince is an earnest young dog, striving hard to live up to the tenets of the Labrador Pact (Remain Loyal to Your Human Masters, Serve and Protect Your Family at Any Cost). Other dogs, led by the Springer Spaniels, have revolted. Their slogans are 'Dogs for Dogs, not for Humans' and 'Pleasure not Duty'. Mentored by an elderly Labrador called Henry, Prince takes his responsibilities seriously, and as things in the Hunter family begin to go badly awry - marital breakdown, rowdy teenage parties, attempted suicide - his responsibilities threaten to overwhelm him. And down in the park it's even worse: Henry has disappeared; Falstaff the Springer Spaniel wants to lead Prince astray; Joyce the Irish wolfhound has been murdered. In the end Prince is forced to break the Labrador Pact and take …

3 editions

reviewed The Last Family in England by Matt Haig

Txakur ingeles baten memoriak

4 stars

Ingelesez irakurri nuen lehen nobela. Ez da C1 maila behar, beraz. Hor nonbait, baina nahiko erraz, hiztegiarekin.

Ez naiz inoiz bereziki txakur zalea izan, baina oso ederra da liburu honetan txakurraren lekuan jartzea eta familiaren alde nola egiten duen ikustea. Txakurrek daukatena baino inteligentzia gehiago eta pertsonen kontuei buruzko ezagutza jartzen dio txakurrari idazleak, baina berdin du. Oso polita da ikustea nola saiatzen den txakurra familiari laguntzen.

Norbaitek irakurri eta aipatzen badu, pozik entzungo ditut iritziak!


  • Modern fiction
  • Fiction - General
  • Fiction
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  • Fiction / General