David Mazzucchelli: Asterios polyp (2008, Pantheon Books) 4 stars

Asterios Polyp, its arrogant, prickly protagonist, is an award-winning architect who's never built an actual …

Review of 'Asterios polyp' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

Beautiful art, and a nice slice of life story about an architect who has never built a damn thing in his life.

I think I liked the story simply because it's told in a clever fashion, and merges the visual and literary themes nicely (when Asterios and his wife are arguing, they're drawn the way they see each other in the argument, in hard lines and soft pastel shadings).

That said, the decisions that Asterios made that actually impressed me were the ones that were utterly unlike him and came with no explanation. Left to himself, without the intervention of the author, he's an insufferable ass -- and there's no clear reason why he suddenly stopped being one.